Tips on energy saving, Shut off – Bosch TES50351DE VeroCafe Latte Kaffeevollautomat Silber Pure Silver User Manual

Page 36

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Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH


Risk of scalding

Use this applia�ce o�ly after the milk frother

(�) has bee� fully assemble� a�� i�stalle��

Cleaning the brewing unit

Clea� the brewi�g u�it regularly�

To pre­clea� the brewi�g u�it automatically:

1� Select


by tur�i�g the rotary k�ob (14)�

2� Place a� empty glass u��er outlet (7)�

3� Press the

start butto� (1�)�

The applia�ce ri�ses�

I� a��itio� to the automatic clea�i�g pro­

gramme, the brewi�g u�it (5a) shoul� be

remove� regularly for clea�i�g� (See

i gure

E at the start of the operati�g i�structio�s�)

1� Switch the applia�ce off at the power

o�/off switch

O / I (9)� No butto�s are lit�

2� Ope� the �oor (5b) to the brewi�g u�it�

3� Sli�e the re� lock (5e) o� the brewi�g

u�it completely to the left�

4� Press the re� butto� (5�), grasp the

brewi�g u�it by the recesse� grips a��

remove carefully�

5� Ri�se the brewi�g u�it (5a) thoroughly

u��er ru��i�g water�

Important: Do �ot clea� with �eterge�t or

other clea�i�g age�ts a�� �o �ot put it i�

the �ishwasher�

�� Wipe out the i�si�e of the applia�ce

thoroughly with a �amp cloth a�� re­

move a�y coffee resi�ues�

7� Allow the brewi�g u�it (5a) a�� the i�­

si�e of the applia�ce to �ry�

8� Rei�sert the brewi�g u�it (5a) fully i�to

the applia�ce�

9� Sli�e the re� lock (5e) fully to the right

a�� close the �oor (5b)�

N.B.: After clea�i�g thoroughly, the seals of

the brewi�g u�it shoul� be grease� regu­

larly for optimal care� Apply a thi� layer of

the special grease i�te��e� for this purpose

(Or�er No� 3113�8) all arou�� the seals�

Tips on energy saving

● The fully automatic espresso machi�e

switches off automatically after o�e hour

(factory setti�g)� The �efault time of o�e

hour ca� be shorte�e� (see “Me�u set­


Shut off

o� page 27)�

● Switch off the fully automatic espresso

machi�e whe� �ot i� use� To �o this,

press the


off /


(12) butto�� The appli­

a�ce ri�ses a�� switches off�

● If possible, �o �ot i�terrupt coffee or milk

froth �ispe�si�g� Cutti�g the coffee or milk

froth �ispe�si�g process short results i�

higher e�ergy co�sumptio� a�� i� more

resi�ual water collecti�g i� the �rip tray�

● Descale the applia�ce regularly to avoi� a

buil�­up of limescale� Limescale resi�ue

results i� higher e�ergy co�sumptio��