Adjusting the grinding unit, Preparation using coffee beans – Bosch TES50351DE VeroCafe Latte Kaffeevollautomat Silber Pure Silver User Manual

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Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH

Adjusting the grinding


The rotary selector (3) a�justs the gri��

setti�gs from coarse to i�e�


Adjust the grinding unit only while it is

running! Otherwise the appliance may be

damaged. Do not reach into the grinding


● While the gri��i�g u�it is ru��i�g, a�just

the rotary selector (3) from i�e (

a: Tur�

a�ticlockwise) to coarse (

b: Tur� clock­

wise) as require��



Note: The �ew setti�g will �ot become ap­

pare�t u�til after the seco�� cup of coffee�

Tip: For �ark roast coffee bea�s, choose a

i�er gri��, for lighter bea�s a coarser gri���

Preparation using

coffee beans

This fully automatic espresso machi�e

gri��s bea�s freshly for each brew�

Tip: If possible, use o�ly bea�s for fully

automatic coffee a�� espresso machi�es�

For optimal quality, �eep­freeze the bea�s

or store i� a cool place i� seale� co�tai�ers�

Coffee bea�s ca� be grou�� while froze��

Important: Fill the water ta�k (1�) with

fresh water every �ay� The ta�k (1�) shoul�

always co�tai� suficie�t water for operati�g

the applia�ce�

Differe�t coffee �ri�ks ca� be prepare�

quite simply at the press of a butto��


The applia�ce must be rea�y for use�

1� Place the pre­warme� cup(s) u��er the

coffee outlet (7)�

Tip: For a small espresso, always pre­

heat the cup, e�g� usi�g hot water�

2� Select the require� coffee a�� the re­

quire� per­cup qua�tity by tur�i�g the

upper rotary k�ob (14)� The selecte�

coffee a�� the per­cup qua�tity are

show� i� the �isplay�

3� Select the require� coffee stre�gth by

tur�i�g the lower rotary k�ob (13)� The

selecte� coffee stre�gth is show� i� the


4� Press the

start butto� (1�)�

The coffee is brewe� a�� the� �ispe�se�

i�to the cup(s)�

N.B.: With some setti�gs the coffee is pre­

pare� i� two stages (see “aromaDouble­

Shot” o� page 24)� Wait u�til the proce�ure is

fully complete��

Press the

start butto� (1�) agai� to cut the

brewi�g process short�