Rinse milk system – Bosch TES50351DE VeroCafe Latte Kaffeevollautomat Silber Pure Silver User Manual

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TES5�3�� �1/2�11

● The followi�g items are �ishwasher­safe:

�rip tray for coffee outlet (8c), coffee

grou��s co�tai�er (8b), grate for coffee

outlet (8�), aroma cover (2) a�� measur­

i�g spoo� (18)�

● Wipe out the i�si�e of the applia�ce (tray

hol�ers a�� �rawer)�

Important: Drip tray for coffee outlet (8c)

a�� coffee grou��s co�tai�er (8b) shoul�

be emptie� a�� clea�e� �aily to preve�t

moul� from �evelopi�g�

N.B.: If the applia�ce is col� whe� switche�

o� with the power switch

O / I (9) or if it

switches off automatically after coffee has

bee� �ispe�se�, it ri�ses automatically� I�

other wor�s the system clea�s itself�

Important: If the applia�ce has �ot bee�

use� for a prolo�ge� perio� of time (e�g�

after a vacatio�), clea� the e�tire applia�ce

thoroughly, i�clu�i�g the milk system a��

brewi�g u�it�

O�ly for


Do not put the li� a�� the i�sulati�g cover

of the milk co�tai�er (21)

in the dishwash-

er� The i�si�e of the milk co�tai�er is �ish­


Cleaning the milk system

If the milk system was �ot clea�e� after

milk has bee� �ispe�se�, after a certai�

amou�t of time the message

Rinse milk


will appear o� the �isplay�

Clea� the milk system imme�iately after use!

To clea�, leave the rotary selector (��) i� the

same positio� it was i� whe� last use��

To pre­clea� the milk system automatically:

1� Select


by tur�i�g the rotary k�ob (14)�

2� Place a tall, empty co�tai�er u��er the

outlet (�c)�

3� Push the outlet as close as possible to

the co�tai�er�

4� Place the e�� of the milk tube (�e) i�to

the co�tai�er�

5� Press the

start butto� (1�)�

�� Pull the milk frother (�) to ope� it�

The machi�e automatically releases water

i�to the co�tai�er a�� vacuums it up agai�

via the milk tube (�e) to ri�se the milk sys­

tem� The ri�se proce�ure stops automati­

cally after about 1 mi�ute�

7� Push the milk frother (�) i� to close it�

8� Empty the co�tai�er a�� clea� the milk

tube (�e)�

I� a��itio� to this, clea� the milk system

thoroughly at regular i�tervals (by ha�� or

i� the �ishwasher)�

Disma�tli�g the milk system for clea�i�g:

1� Detach outlet (�c) from steam valve (�a)


Fig. C)�

2� Clea� the i��ivi�ual parts with a �eter­

ge�t solutio� a�� a soft brush� If �eces­

sary, soak i� a warm �eterge�t solutio��

3� Ri�se all parts with clear water a�� �ry


4� Reassemble all the parts a�� replace

fully i� the applia�ce�