AMX Network Lighting Solution ALD-H48 User Manual

Ald-h48, Quick start guide, Lighting solution configuration

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Quick Start Guide


Lighting Solution Configuration

For more detailed programming instructions, refer to the ALD-H48 Instruction Manual
available on-line at


The ALD-H48 from AMX is a Lutron lighting solution with a complementary Duet
module. The result is a Lutron device that functions within a NetLinx project.

After you have installed the ALD-H48, using the installation documentation included
with the unit, you can create a NetLinx project and configure the dimmers. You need
NetLinx Studio v2.3 or higher and a NetLinx Master capable of running Duet modules
(firmware version 3.0.XXX or higher).

Using the web interface capabilities of your NetLinx master you can configure dimmers
connected to your ALD-H48.

The web interface supports:

Internet Explorer v 6.0 (and higher)

Mozilla Firefox v 1.0 (and higher)

Step 1: Downloading The ALD-H48 Workspace

First you must attain the ALD-H48 Workspace file (.AXW). To download the Duet
module go to either > Dealers > InConcert or the Product Catalog page for
the ALD-H48. From the InConcert page you can search for and download the ALD-
H48 Duet module, they are indicated by the D within the legend displayed below.

Included in the .AXW file:

The NetLinx Main Code (.AXS)

The Duet module (.JAR)

Associated TPD4 files

Step 2: Setting The ALD-H48 IP Address

In order for the NetLinx Master to locate the ALD-H48, you must set the IP address for
the device.


Connect your PC to the H48 serial port using a standard DB-9 serial cable.


Open your preferred serial client (HyperTerm, TELNET, etc...)


Make sure your serial connection baud rate and handshaking settings match the
H48 serial settings. (Default Baud Rate 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop
Bits: 1, Flow Control: None)


Upon a successful connection, you are prompted with L232>. At the prompt type
SETIP,1, . Follow the onscreen instructions from this point.
(Where 1 is the number of processors present on the H48 and
is the IP address to be decided by you.)

Further, at the prompt type HELP and a list of all supported command is displayed. In
order to get the correct syntax to set the IP address type at the prompt HELP, SETIP.

Step 3: Opening The ALD-H48 Workspace

After you have downloaded the ALD-H48 Workspace file you need to open your
NetLinx project. The .AXW file provided by AMX is intended to be a starting point for
your ALD-H48 project.


Launch NetLinx Studio v2.3 or higher.


Select File > Open Workspace to launch the Open Workspace dialog.


Browse to the location where you saved the ALD-H48 Workspace file (.AXW)
and click Open.


Manually enter the IP address assigned to the ALD-48 within
Lutron_H48_UI.axs and then recompile the project before transferring it to the
NetLinx Master.

You can also make any additional edits to the ALD-H48 project or elect to send the file
to the NetLinx Master as is.

Step 4: Transferring The ALD-H48 Project to A NetLinx Master

NetLinx Studio can transfer the ALD-H48 project file to any connected NetLinx Master
with firmware version 3.XX or higher.


Select Tools > File Transfer to open the File Transfer dialog.


If the Workspace file is not already listed in the window click Quick Load to open
the corresponding dialog.


In the drop down list select the ALD-H48 Workspace.


Click Select All.


Click OK.


Make sure there is a check in the box next to the ALD-H48 workspace within the
File Transfer dialog and click Send.

Step 5: Addressing The Dimmers via The Web Interface

Once you have installed the ALD-H48 and dimmers using the hardware installation
literature included with the unit, you must now address the dimmers.

You can only select addresses available on the bus to which the dimmer is physically
connected. For example, if you want to assign address 17 to a particular dimmer, it
must be connected to bus 3 of the ALD-H48 as indicated below.

To address the dimmers:


Using your web browser, go to the target NetLinx Master’s web page.
Note: Refer to the NetLinx Master documentation for more detailed
information concerning the NetLinx Master Web Interface.


Click on Lights and all connected modules are displayed below Lights. There is
only one module per device.

Upon your first visit to Lights, the page will have the following message, FIG. 2.


Click Address Mode to set the master to look for available dimmers.


Tap the dimmer you wish to address three times to make it available to the


The displayed addresses are only those that are available on that physical bus
that have not been used. Bold text indicates the address has already been
assigned. Pick an available number and click Select to address the dimmer.

FIG. 1

Module Legend

Bus Address Location















FIG. 2

Initial Lights Configuration Page

FIG. 3

Dimmer Address