Pach and Company AWRR User Manual
Pach and Company Hardware

Enclosure Construction: Weather-resistant, anodized alu-
minum enclosure with removable end caps to provide wiring
and programming access; end caps secured with screws.
Shipping Weight: 3.0 Lbs. approximate.
“Two Years Warranty”
Output Data: Data 0 and Data 1 standard Wiegand
electrical and protocol interface.
Operating Environment: -22°F to +155°F.
Mount: Inside the AeGIS 9000 Series or Outside.
Pach and Company thanks and conratulates you on the purchase of
your AeGIS Wiegand Radio Reader (AWRR) and transmitter (AWRT).
The AWRR is designed to interface with AeGIS 9000 Series. The
AWRR will be installed inside the AeGIS 9000 Series if order at the
same time at no extra cost for installtion. The antenna will be mounted
on top of the system.
Power Input: 5.0 - 24 VDC Regulated (5 VDC is supplied by the
AeGIS 9000 Series).
Current Consumption: 30 mA operating.
Radio Frequency:
318 Mhz
LO Reradiation: 200 microVolt/meter @ 3 meters (maximum)
Data Format: MegaCode
Sensitivity: -100dBm minimum
Desensitivity: 20 dB manual attenuation at the antenna input
Antenna: 9-1/2 in whip antenna with F-connector (supplied).
Bandwidth: 300 Khz
Image Rejection: 40 dB.
Figure 1