Traceable wide range thermometer instructions – Nova-Tech 4007 TRACEABLE WIDE RANGE THERMOMETER User Manual
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The meter features an RS-232 output which allows
data to be exported to a computer or data logger
in real-time via the accessory data acquisition
software. (See the “Accessories” section.)
“BAT” appearing on the display indicates that the
battery is low and needs replacement (see the
“Battery Replacement” section)
“---” appearing on the display indicates that no
probe is plugged into the meter, or the probe is
If this meter does not function properly for any
reason, please replace the battery with a new,
high-quality battery (see the “Battery Replacement”
section). Low battery power can occasionally
cause any number of “apparent” operational
diffi culties. Replacing the battery with a new fresh
battery will solve most diffi culties.
An erratic display, faint display, no display, or
“BAT” appearing on the display are all indicators
that the battery needs replacement. To replace the
battery, remove the battery cover screw (located
on the back of the meter). Remove the battery
cover by sliding it in the direction of the arrow.
Remove the exhausted battery and replace it with
a new 9-volt alkaline battery. Replace the battery
cover. Replace the battery cover screw and
tighten securely.
Cat. No. 4136 Data Acquisition System—
Complete DAS–3™ Data Acquisition System
captures, displays, and stores readings on a
PC. Information can be imported into databases.
Software and cable.
Cat. No. 4325 Data Logger—
Complete DAS–4™ System captures and stores
up to 8000 bytes (over 1000 readings). Readings
may be taken at intervals from 1 second to 99
hours. Stored readings may be downloaded to any
PC and viewed. Can be read as-is or imported to
spreadsheets, databases, and statistical programs.
Supplied complete with cable, software, and
batteries. Size is 5 x 3 x 1 inches. Weight is 7 oz.
Cat. No. 4008 Surface Probe—
Temperature range is –73 to 760°C. Dimensions:
5-inch probe length; 0.5-inch tip diameter; 8½-inch
overall length. Supplied with 36-inch cable.
Cat. No. 4014 Stainless Steel Probe—
Stainless-steel, triple purpose (liquids, air/gas,
and semi-solids), Type-K probe. Temperature
range is –50 to 700°C. Dimensions: 0.13-inch
diameter; 6¼-inch stem length; 9¾-inch overall
length. Supplied with 40-inch cable.
Cat. No. 4028 Beaded Probe—
Fast-Response, Type-K thermocouple, beaded
probe. Tefl on cable can withstand temperatures
of -40 to 250 °C continuous or 300 °C short-term
use. Dimensions: 0.06-inch diameter probe with
cable length of 4 feet for use in liquids, air/gas, and
semi solids.
Cat. No. 8039 Low-Temperature Probe—
Stainless-steel; triple purpose (liquids, air/gas, and
semi-solids), Type-K probe. Temperature range is
-240 to 220 °C. Dimensions: diameter 0.17 inch;
stem length 12 inches; overall length 17 inches.
Supplied with 8-foot cable.
Cat. No. 8613 High-Temperature Probe—
Ten-foot-long, 0.19-inch diameter braided metal
wire cable with smooth tip measures –73 to 982 °C
continuous or 1093 °C short-term use. For use in
liquids, air/gas, and semi-solids.
Control Company Cat. No. 4007
is a registered trademark of
Control Company.
Control Company. 92-4007-00 Rev. 1 03182009
For warranty, service, or recalibration, contact:
4455 Rex Road
Friendswood, Texas 77546 USA
Ph. 281 482-1714 • Fax 281 482-9448
E-mail [email protected] •
Control Company is ISO 9001 Quality-Certifi ed by DNV
and ISO 17025 accredited as a Calibration Laboratory
by A2LA.