Nova-Tech Equipment

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Operating Range:

-22 to 122.0 °F

-30 to 50.0 °C

Measurement Range*: -22 to 185.0 °F

-30 to 85.0 °C

(*Prolonged exposure to temperatures exceeding the

operating range may damage the thermometer)


0.1° from 19.9° to 199.9°

1° otherwise


±1° C

±0.4° C at tested points*

(*Ultra™ version)

ULtRa™ tHeRMoMeteR accURacY

Ultra™ thermometers are tested at selected test

points to be within tighter than normal tolerances

to assist in providing improved accuracy. Other

points will not necessarily fall within the same

accuracy as those found at the selected test

points, but will be within an accuracy of ±1° C.


1. To view the minimum temperature reached

since turning on the unit, press the MAx/Min

button. “Min” appears on the display to indicate

the minimum temperature recorded.

2. Press the MAx/Min button a second time,

within 3 seconds, to view the maximum

temperature reached since turning on the unit.

“MAx” appears on the display to indicate the

maximum temperature recorded.

note: Three seconds after pressing the MAx/Min button,

the unit automatically returns to the current temperature

reading. (“Min” and/or “MAx” are no longer displayed.)

3. Turn the unit off to clear the minimum and

maximum memories.


IMPORTANT: The intended use for this

thermometer is to monitor temperatures inside

refrigerators and freezers.
1. Press the On/OFF button to turn the unit on.

2. Press the °F/°C button to select the desired unit

of measure (Fahrenheit or Celsius).

3. Place the thermometer into the supplied base

and place the thermometer and base in the

desired location to be monitored.
The entire unit is completely sealed and water-

proof. Do not attempt to remove the thermometer

from the bottle.

Velcro® and double sided foam

tape are supplied and may be

used to mount the thermometer

or the base side to any surface.

in a refrigerator application, this

prevents the thermometer from

taking up valuable shelf space.

USinG tHe MeMoRY to MonitoR a

Following is an example of how to use the memory

to monitor the temperature inside a refrigerator or

freezer. This example is provided only as a helpful

guide and is not intended to replace existing facility

requirements or procedures.
Unit Setup example

1. Turn the unit on.

2. Select the desired unit of measure.

3. Place the thermometer into the supplied base.

4. Place the thermometer and base inside the

At this point, allow sufficient time for the bottle

thermometer to reach equilibrium with the true

current temperature inside the refrigerator/freezer.
5. Once the thermometer has reached

equilibrioum, clear the minimum and maximum

temperature memory.

(See the “Minimum/

Maximum Memory” section.)

The memory will provide a record of the single

lowest and highest temperature achieved. When

the temperatures are recorded into the manual


Operating Range:

-22 to 122.0 °F

-30 to 50.0 °C

Measurement Range*: -22 to 185.0 °F

-30 to 85.0 °C

(*Prolonged exposure to temperatures exceeding the

operating range may damage the thermometer)


0.1° from 19.9° to 199.9°

1° otherwise


±1° C

±0.4° C at tested points*

(*Ultra™ version)

ULtRa™ tHeRMoMeteR accURacY

Ultra™ thermometers are tested at selected test

points to be within tighter than normal tolerances

to assist in providing improved accuracy. Other

points will not necessarily fall within the same

accuracy as those found at the selected test

points, but will be within an accuracy of ±1° C.


1. To view the minimum temperature reached

since turning on the unit, press the MAx/Min

button. “Min” appears on the display to indicate

the minimum temperature recorded.

2. Press the MAx/Min button a second time,

within 3 seconds, to view the maximum

temperature reached since turning on the unit.

“MAx” appears on the display to indicate the

maximum temperature recorded.

note: Three seconds after pressing the MAx/Min button,

the unit automatically returns to the current temperature

reading. (“Min” and/or “MAx” are no longer displayed.)

3. Turn the unit off to clear the minimum and

maximum memories.


IMPORTANT: The intended use for this

thermometer is to monitor temperatures inside

refrigerators and freezers.
1. Press the On/OFF button to turn the unit on.

2. Press the °F/°C button to select the desired unit

of measure (Fahrenheit or Celsius).

3. Place the thermometer into the supplied base

and place the thermometer and base in the

desired location to be monitored.
The entire unit is completely sealed and water-

proof. Do not attempt to remove the thermometer

from the bottle.

Velcro® and double sided foam

tape are supplied and may be

used to mount the thermometer

or the base side to any surface.

in a refrigerator application, this

prevents the thermometer from

taking up valuable shelf space.

USinG tHe MeMoRY to MonitoR a

Following is an example of how to use the memory

to monitor the temperature inside a refrigerator or

freezer. This example is provided only as a helpful

guide and is not intended to replace existing facility

requirements or procedures.
Unit Setup example

1. Turn the unit on.

2. Select the desired unit of measure.

3. Place the thermometer into the supplied base.

4. Place the thermometer and base inside the

At this point, allow sufficient time for the bottle

thermometer to reach equilibrium with the true

current temperature inside the refrigerator/freezer.
5. Once the thermometer has reached

equilibrioum, clear the minimum and maximum

temperature memory.

(See the “Minimum/

Maximum Memory” section.)

The memory will provide a record of the single

lowest and highest temperature achieved. When

the temperatures are recorded into the manual