Nova-Tech Equipment

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–76 to 932°F / –60 to 500°C

Resolution: 0.1° (-9.9 to 199.9)

1° (otherwise)


Press and continue to hold down the

trigger to take temperature readings.

The unit will take temperature readings

while the trigger is pressed and held

(SCAN appearing on the display indicates

measurements are being taken).
After the trigger is released, the last

temperature measured will be displayed

for approximately 15 seconds and the

display will turn off automatically. HOLD

will appear on the display when the

trigger has been released to indicate that

the unit is no longer taking temperature


Selecting unitS of meaSuRe

Each press of the °C/°F button will toggle

between °C and °F.

laSeR taRgeting

Laser targeting is always active when

the trigger is being pressed. Each time

the trigger is pressed and held, the laser

beam will be emitted.


Eye damage may result from

direct exposure to laser light.

maXimum tempeRatuRe

While taking measurements, the unit

will automatically record the maximum

temperature reading that has been

measured. This value will appear on the

display to the right of MAX.

DiStance Spot/Ratio

There are other factors that may affect

measurement accuracy. The target

must completely fill the spot diameter

seen by the infrared sensor; otherwise

readings will be influenced by the

surface surrounding the target. The ratio

of the distance to the size of the spot

being measured is 11:1. For example,

an object’s diameter of 100mm can be

measured from 1100mm.

DiSplaY meSSageS

“Er2” will appear on the display when

the unit is exposed to rapid changes in

ambient temperature.
“Er3” will appear on the display when

the ambient temperature is below 32° F

(0° C) or above 122° F (50° C).
“Er” will appear on the display when the

unit needs to be reset. To reset the unit,

remove the batteries, wait 2 minutes and

then re-install the batteries.