Unipol l-series user friendly – Nova-Tech UniPol L-Series Polarimeters User Manual
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UniPol L-Series
user friendly
UniPol L-Series
SCHMIDT+HAENSCH is an active member in standardisation
organisations. Our contributions have shaped measuring
techniques and procedures essentially.
Profound knowledge in research and development are the
base for engineering innovative products.
The technology of the Unipol L-series is housed under the
elegant housing with large user programmable display
and powerful software similar to the SCHMIDT+HAENSCH
refractometer ATR-series.
The improved software implements amongst other features
the input of sample identification numbers, statistic evalua-
tions of multiple measurements, user definable printouts
individually configurable for each of the 4 available methods, etc.
Three different models of the Unipol L-series Polarimeter
according to your individual application requirements are
available with many options. All models of the Unipol L-
series are conforming with the regulations of the European
and American Pharmacopoeias as well as to the GLP/GMP
Temperature measurement of the sample is very important
to ensure precise and stable measuring results. The Unipol
L-series is displaying the actual sample temperature and
compensates automatically the temperature deviation
compared to the standard temperature when polarimetric
tubes or quartz control plates with temperature sensor are
used. The scale value (e.g. °Z, °S …) is displayed corrected
to the standard temperature.
The two high resolution models Unipol L1000/L2000 are
designed to meet high requirements of the quality control
and research laboratories.
Main features of the UniPol L-series
• Automatic, digital, circular Polarimeter
• Discontinuous measurement
• 4 independent methods and up to 10 programmable scales
• Stand alone instrument / printer connection / networking
• User programmable display (individually for ea. of the 4 methods)
• Displays the optical density of the sample
• Automatic multiple measurement with statistical evaluation
• Automatic sample ID generation configurable
• Measurement of the variation of polarisation due to
reaction kinetics programmable
• Calibration possibility for the temperature sensors
• User defined printout
• Remote operation from PC possible