Operation – Nova-Tech RITEFLOW FLOWMETERS AND KITS User Manual

Page 8

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Flow input should be connected to the bottom of the Flowmeter and output to the top. Insure that
input and output tubings are securely connected; check specifications to determine maximum
pressure ratings of each format (Plain End, Guarded or Mounted). For most accurate readings,
flowtubes should be exactly vertical to prevent friction of floats on flowtube walls.


65 MM

Each 65mm Flowmeter is supplied with a glass float (color: black) inside the flowtube. An addi-
tional float is supplied in a vial on the side; stainless steel (color: metallic) for Sizes 1-5, Carboloy
(color: metallic, magnetic) for Size 6.


Each 150mm Flowmeter is supplied with two floats in the tube. Flowmeters are more accurate
when only one float is used, however two floats can be used with Size No.’s 2 to 5 if they are not
too close to each other in the desired range of flow. Always place the heavier (metallic) float on
the bottom and read the float that is closest to or above the middle of the scale. Size #1 can only
be used with one float; one float must be removed before use.

See Cleaning and Changing Floats (Page 11) for proper float removal and handling.


To obtain accurate flow readings locate the center of the float and read the scale graduations as

1. Position your head in front of the Flowmeter, with your eyes level with the float.

2. Move your head horizontally to the left until the contour of the float appears to just touch the
locator line tangentially.

3. The intersection of the locator line with the horizontal graduation at the center of the float
pinpoints the appropriate reading value.

4. The number on the scale corresponds to a flowrate for the given gas or liquid on the
appropriate calibration chart.