Nokta detectors Fors CoRe User Manual
Page 26

The device gives an estimated depth reading based on signal strength in the pinpoint
mode. When the pinpoint button is pressed and the target is approached, the depth
reading will appear in ''cm.'' on the LCD panel and the numeric display simultaneously.
Approximate depth is provided based on the assumption that the target is a typical
modern coin. The real depth will vary based on target size. The device will give a greater
depth reading for smaller targets and for larger targets, the depth reading will be smaller
than they really are. In fact, pinpointing is used for target location and not depth
indication. Therefore, we suggest that you use the depth reading for judging the proximity
of the target.
FORS CoRe is a very fast responding detector. When you detect a target with the FORS
CoRe, in order to get an accurate ID of the target, instead of narrowing the sweeps and
making quick sweeps over the target like in other detectors, you should make wider and
deliberate sweeps. If the sweep speed is wrong, the device cannot identify the target
accurately and the IDs may bounce around. In addition, when you are sweeping the search
coil, pay attention not to tilt it up or down and always keep it parallel to the ground.
Shallow targets may give multiple responses to the device. If you suspect a shallow target,
lift the search coil and sweep slowly until you get a single response. Similarly, large targets
may cause an overload in the search coil and the device may give an alarm sounding like a
siren. At the same time ''Overload'' message will appear on the LCD panel. In such a
situation, raise the search coil until the message disappears.
Sometimes the device may receive signals although there is no real target. There are a few
different causes for this. Most common ones are ground mineralization or hot rocks,
electromagnetic interference in the surrounding environment, operation of another
detector nearby, rusty iron and corroded foil, and sensitivity and threshold set too high.
The electromagnetic interference can be eliminated by reducing sensitivity. If another
detector is working nearby, you can change your location and continue your search. For
ground mineralization or hot rocks, and sensitivity and threshold set too high, please read
the related sections. (Ground Balance, Hot Rocks and Searching In Rocky Areas, Metals
Under Hot Rocks, Sensitivity and Threshold).
FORS / Page 25