Nokta detectors Fors CoRe User Manual
Page 25

Pinpointing is to determine the center or the exact location of a detected target.
FORS CoRe operates on the principle of motion. This means that you must move the search
coil over the target or the target over the search coil, in order for the device to detect it. In
the pinpoint mode, however, the device constantly gives signal when you hold the search
coil still over the target.
A proper ground balance setting is a must for accurate pinpointing. In changing ground
conditions, re-ground balancing is recommended before pinpointing.
When you press and hold the pinpoint button, a horizontal bar moving in the negative or
positive direction, indicating metal or soil/rock effects, appears on the LCD panel. The bar
starts filling up as the target is approached. The furthest point it fills up to indicates the
center of the target.
At the same time, the estimated depth reading appears on the LCD panel as well as the
numeric display on the handle (see page 25). The signal tone increases in pitch and volume
as the search coil approaches the target. In the pinpoint mode, the device does not
discriminate or give target IDs. If the device is in the vibration mode, the speed of vibration
will increase as you get closer to the center of target.
To pinpoint:
1. After a target is detected, move the search coil aside where there is no target response
and press the pinpoint button.
2. Keeping the button pressed, approach the target with the search coil keeping it parallel
to the ground.
3. As the center of the target is approached, the signal tone will get stronger and change in
pitch. At the same time, the depth reading on the screen will start decreasing.
4. Mark the spot where you get the loudest response with your foot or an object.
5. Change your direction 90º and repeat the above steps. Repeating this process from a few
different angles will narrow the field of detection and give you a better idea of target
FORS / Page 24