Nokta detectors Fors CoRe User Manual

Page 24

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Brown Area: Hot rocks

Blue Area: Ferrous metals, iron rocks, salty and alkali soils

Yellow Area: Gold, folio, soda cans, pull-tabs, some coins etc.

Red Area: Copper, brass, aluminum, silver, gold, some coins, bottle caps, some hot rocks

This data may vary based on the field conditions. Coins in different regions of the world

have been made from different types of metals and in different sizes throughout the

history. To better understand which coins give what IDs, try to get a hold of the coins you

are looking for and test to see the ID it generates.

It may take some time and experience to utilize the Target ID feature in your search area

because Target IDs as well as the depths the IDs are generated by different brands and

models of detectors are also different.

As mentioned before, ID Masking is the ability of the device to ignore (not produce a

warning tone or ID) unwanted targets. ID Masking is not active in the General Search

mode. ID Masking values of the discrimination modes are preset by the factory. If you want,

you can change the ID Masking values in the menu.

To change the ID Masking value, first choose the ID Masking option in the menu and using

the + or - switches, either increase or decrease it to the number you have determined.

Please keep in mind that certain metals, other than the ones you are masking, will also be

lost or their signal strength will diminish resulting in loss of depth.

For example; when you set the ID Masking to 40, the device will ignore all signals with IDs

less than 40 and will not produce a warning tone. The device will also miss targets under

rocks of which the received IDs are less than 40.

To give another example, in the case of receiving multiple IDs - let's say 35 and 55 - due to

target orientation or metal property, if you mask the IDs up to 40, 35 will fall in the masked

range so the signal strength may diminish and depth may decrease.

FORS / Page 23