Multichannel Systems PPS2 Manual User Manual
Page 13

PPS2 Manual
Click the button “More” to display further information. At the moment, the default
“Analog Range” of the analog input and the internal “Supply Voltage” is noted.
For using both pumps independently, deactivate the check box “Fixed Speed Ratio”.
With the two sliders, the speed of the left Perfusion (inlet tube) pump, and the right
Waste (outlet tube) pump can be controlled. The unit is milliliter per minute, the maximum
is 30 ml/min for the inlet and 30 ml/min for the drain, if no relation between both parameters
is selected. Alternatively, type the desired value into the text box below the slider or click
the up-down box. The resolution is 100 μl/min. Click the button “On” to start the pump of
your choice and the button above will turn to green. Click “Off” to stop the pump and the
button above turns to grey. It is possible to change the velocity via slider or by writing into
the window while the pump is running. Clicking the button “Fast” sets the pump speed to
maximum as long as the button is pressed. The yellow color indicates the “Fast” mode.
This feature can be used for rinsing the tubes, for example.
The Peristaltic Perfusion PPS2-System has three different operation modes via software and
the additional possibility to control the device without computer connection via touch screen.
Please see chapter “Operation of the Perfusion Peristaltic Pump via PPS2 Touch Screen”.