3 mea signal generator – Multichannel Systems MEA_Signal_Generator Manual User Manual
Page 8

3.1 Welcome to the MEA Signal Generator
The MEA Signal Generator is a convenient tool for MEA-System users. As a variable substitute
for expensive biology you can use the MEA-SG as you would set up a research experiment. That
means you can test your own products and data acquisition settings without using valuable
biological samples. It has the advantage that you do not need living material, you reduce the
number of animal experiments and save laboratory equipment.
Signal generators are available in three different types: For use with MEA-Systems with 60
electrode MEAs (60MEA-SG) and for the MEA2100-HS60 or MEA2100-HS2x60-System, for use with
the USB-MEA256-System with 256 electrode MEAs (256MEA-SG) and for use with the MEA2100-
HS120-System with 120 electrode MEAs (120MEA-SG). The function of all three types is similar.
Please read the respective datasheets in the Appendix. The picture above shows the 60MEA-SG.
Important: When using a MEA-SG which is not adapted to the MEA2100-HS60 or the MEA2100-
HS2x60-System, the contact to the internal reference must be disconnected. Otherwise the
delivered signals are not acceptable. Please insert the MEA-SG in correct orientation as shown
on the following picture. Cover the designated contact pad connected to the reference electrode,
for example with isolation tape.