Mirion Technologies BadgeTrak 3.0 User Manual
Dosimetry services, Badgetrak online 3.0

LIT4066_3 _US
• No software required
• Access through the internet
• Supported by modern web browsers
• Bar-code scanner can be used to verify/return badges
into the system
• Track badges in multiple locations
• Ability to export data to multiple formats
• Quickly identify non-verified/non-returned badges by
using pre-built views
• Enhanced searching, sorting and filtering capabilities
• Generate custom reports and letters
Badgetrak Online 3.0
Manage badge distribution
Missing badges? We can help!
BadgeTrak™ Online 3.0 from Dosimetry Services Division
is used to track all badges that are currently in your
account. This web application allows you to process the
shipping data that is stored in our databases. This system
is designed to run within all modern web browsers.
BadgeTrak Online 3.0 enables you to determine which
badges have not been returned for processing. This online
badge processing system has the ability to generate
custom reports which provides the necessary data to
maintain control of the badges sent to your facility and
returned for processing. Now you can easily comply with
inspectors’ requests to maintain positive control of your
badge returns.
The advanced search utility available on BadgeTrak Online
3.0 enables users to sift through large amounts of data
with ease. Select your own search criteria to return the
results that you are looking for. Generate custom reports
and letters.
• Hospitals, universities, national laboratories, nuclear
power plants, and other specialized industries.
dosimetry services
a Mirion technologies division