Mirion Technologies TELEVIEW 3000 User Manual
Health physics, Teleview 3000

health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
Web Based Remote Monitoring Software
TeleView 3000 is Mirion’s fl agship Remote Monitoring application.
Completely redesigned for the next generation of Radiation Protection
support, it builds upon the familiar features expected from Remote
Monitoring software (e.g. worker grouping by RWP, automatic worker
logon via Access Control link, area monitor grouping, etc.), and adds
updated features such as multiple windows / tab viewing, as well as GPS
overlay functionality.
The key element of TeleView 3000’s redesign is its state-of-the-art,
browser-based data representation (a signifi cant improvement over out-
dated client / server architecture). This browser functionality allows users
to access data in a user-friendly and familiar format from virtually any
connected workstation on the network, be it either a PC, a tablet, or even
a smart phone. Because each page of TeleView 3000 data is a separate
session, any job coverage resource is now able to simultaneously: moni-
tor worker groups, track alarms, trend data, view live data on a Google
mapTM, and much more - all without exhausting their computer’s pro-
cessor or creating network traffi
TeleView 3000 also requires less support from site IT resources. Its revo-
lutionary cross-browser-TCP/IP structure means that there is no client
installation on Radiation Protection workstations - which in turn means
that there is no database on workstations. Hence, once the heart of the
system is installed, someone covering a job simply launches a browser
session and begins monitoring in their own customized workspace.
Of course, TeleView 3000 includes the ability to monitor over 1000 WRM2
devices, supports multiple wireless protocols (e.g. WRM2, RAMSYS,
RadNet, etc.), seamlessly links to Access Control systems (e.g. Sentinel,
DosiServ, etc.), and is endlessly customizable for individual familiarity.
Simply put, TeleView 3000 makes remote monitoring easier, more fl ex-
ible, and more intuitive to use.
Welcome to the era of Remote Radiation Monitoring redefi ned and
• Browser based Remote Monitoring application
• Cross-browser-TCP/IP support for multiple
• Networked or stand-alone capability
• Intranet with security level support
• No requirement for workstation database
• Supports multiple telemetry data protocols
• Access Control connectivity for auto-logon
• GPS supported, with overlaid map view
• Confi gurable data trending capability
• User confi gurable for greater fl exibility and
• Emergency Planning Perimeter Monitoring
system (real time boundary / off site
monitoring for RP teams)
• Monitors over 1000 devices