Mirion Technologies LDM 3000 SW User Manual
Health physics, Ldm 3000 sw, Access control reader software

health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
LDM 3000 SW
Active Dosimetry - Software
LDM 3000 SW
Access Control Reader Software
LDM 3000 SW allows a standard PC to be utilized as an
access control workstation for use with DMC 2000 do-
simeters via wireless interface. LDM 3000 SW supports:
Access control mode with user identifi cation input,
RWP / Task input, and access authorization
Transmission of data for processing on a centralized
Out-of-the-Box compatibility with additional software
Reader options (LDM 210, LDM 220, LDM 230)
Full-screen operator interface
Customizable messages displayed to workers
Versatile confi guration
Installed and run on a local network
Badge reader capability
Bar code reader capability
Stand-alone Emergency Mode with backup to
a local database