Mirion Technologies DnD-Portal User Manual

Health physics, Rados dnd-portal

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health physics

A Mirion Technologies Division


RADOS DnD-Portal™

CheckPoint:Gate™ family


The RADOS DnD-Portal™ is based on a unique
deployment concept paired with proven, world-class
pedestrian and vehicle monitor technology as evident
in the RADOS CheckPoint:Gate™ family of monitors.
It is presented as a transportable and scalable
yet robust unit to support a variety of radiological
scenarios ranging from terrorist threat, post event
screening to the monitoring of entry/exit points of
nuclear facilities.

It features:

• Fast in-the-field deployment
• High radiological measurement performance
• Decontaminable surfaces throughout
• Assembly in less than three hours (by four people)

including local support and transport tools

• Three standard deployment configurations

rADOs DnD-Portal™

RADOS Deploy&Detect-Concept (DnD)

The security community such as customs and national
border police as well as local law enforcement units
and emergency response teams are facing growing and
more diverse tasks like the identification of radiological
threats by terrorists or verification of transports against
the illegal shipment of nuclear materials.
Often flexibility of response without compromising the
high standards of measurement performance is the
order of the day.

Mirion Technologies (RADOS) GmbH and its partners
in the security community have developed the
Deploy&Detect concept (DnD) to support these
The portable monitor DnD-Portal™ by Mirion
Technologies (RADOS) GmbH allows monitoring and
inspection of vehicles and persons in a large variety
of settings such as ports, airports, border posts and
almost any event location like stadiums or concert halls.

The RADOS DnD-Portal™ is transported in a dedicated
container and deployed in short time.
The DnD-Portal™ is sizeable in different standard
models, depending on passageway and object height
with six detectors arranged around the object to be

• DnD-Portal™ for personnel with 1000 mm passageway
• DnD-Portal™ for cars with 2000 mm passageway
• DnD-Portal™ for trucks with 3000 mm passageway