Minuteman E17_E20_H20 Walk-Behind Scrubber Disc Traction Drive User Manual

Page 33

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Have a qualified service technician check the vacuum motor carbon motor brushes once a year or after 300 operating hours.
The brush motor and transaxle motor carbon brushes should be checked every 500 hours or once a year.
NOTE: Refer to the Service Manual for more detail on maintenance and service repairs.

Regularly scheduled lubrication of certain machine parts should be performed to insure trouble-free operation of the
machine. Apply a generous amount of grease into the fittings on the rear caster swivel (2) until grease seeps out around the
Apply lubricant or light machine oil to lubricate the:
• Pivot mounting point of the rear squeegee to the chassis (1)
• Rear squeegee caster wheel axle (2)

D ail y W ee kl y

M o n th l y

Ye a rl y

C ha rge B a tte r ies

C he ck E a ch
Ba tt er y C ell(s )
W at er Lev e l

L ub r ic atio n –
G re a se F it tin gs

C he ck C a rbo n
Br us hes

C he ck / C lea n T ank s
& H o se s

Ins pe ct /C lea n
Sc ru b D ec k S k irt
fo r D e bris

C he ck / C lea n th e
B r us h/P a d

Ins pe ct and C lea n
In- Line So lut ion
F ilt er

C he ck / C lea n th e
S qu ee ge e
C he ck / C lea n
V ac uu m Sh ut -O f f
F lo at in R ec ov er y
T ank