Minuteman Kleen Sweep 27 User Manual

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Dear Customer,

It is our desire that the excellent properties of the Kleen Sweep 27 should justify the confidence you demonstrated in
making this purchase. Before first operation of your Kleen Sweep 27 read these instructions carefully. They will inform
you in detail about the operation of the item and contains valuable information on operation, service and maintenance.

Kleen Sweep 27 machine is an ideal machine to clean outdoors in large and medium areas like Offices, Hospital,
Restaurant, Shopping Complexes and many commercial applications.

The exclamation mark symbol

has been used in this manual at several places and identifies particular areas that are if essence for your safety.
Please pass all safety instructions on to other persons operating this machine.

The symbol,

has been used in the manual in several places and identifies particular areas that the operator should be cautious.

time of operation.

The symbol,

has been used in the manual in several places and identifies particular areas that the operator should note at the


machine has been exclusively designed for floor cleaning, such as dry sweeping .Whatever sort

of use beyond the specified range will be deemed improper use the manufacturer can not be held liable for
consequential damages.

The term of proper use also includes compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions about operation, maintenance
and repair.


may be used , serviced and repaired by persons only that are familiar with the machine and are

aware of possible hazards involved. The appropriate Accident Prevention Regulations as well as applicable general
regulations about safety and health at work will have to be complied with.

Modifications made to the

in absence of the manufacturer’s consent will relieve the manufacturer from

a possible liability for consequential damage.

Kleen Sweep 27

Kleen Sweep 27

Kleen Sweep 27

Prior to first operation, read the manual carefully and strictly comply with the instructions contained.

Please be advised explicitly that we cannot accept any legal claims out of the contents of this manual.

If repair work has to be performed, make sure that only genuine spare parts are used since genuine spare parts
only may guarantee continuous and dependable operation of your machine.

Valid as for May 2011


Minuteman International 14N845 U.S Route 20 Pinegree Grove, Illinois 60140 USA
Phone 1-800-323-9420

Proper Use

