A2882 (refined fuels), A2882 back check valves – Liquid Controls Back Check Valves A2885 & A2883 LPG, A2882 Refined Fuels User Manual
Page 5

a2882 (refIned fuels)
Refer to the illustrated parts breakdown on Page 7 for Item
Numbers referenced in these instructions. Item Numbers appear
in circles in the drawing.
Item Numbers
a2882 back Check Valves
neW InsTallaTIons
When ordered with a new metering system, the A2882
Back Check Valve is supplied mounted to the outlet
side of the meter as shown to the right. To complete the
A2882 Back Check Valve portion of the installation, a
liquid line must be connected to the flange on the outlet
side of the valve. The flange connection is 2” NPT.
reTrofIT InsTallaTIons
Depending on the existing configuration, adding an
A2882 Back Check Valve may require modification of the
outlet piping.
After the internal pressure is relieved from the
system (see warning on Page 2), the outlet line can
be disconnected from the output side of the meter
assembly. The valve and flange assembly can then be
connected to the outlet side of the meter.
Use the four bolts and washers provided to fasten the
valve/flange assembly to the meter. Tighten the bolts
in a crossing pattern (as shown on Page 4). Once the
valve/flange assembly is secure, the outlet line may be
reconnected to the flange. The flange fitting is 2” NPT.
1. Remove the valve from the line by removing the four
screws (Item 3) and washers (Item 4) that hold it in place.
2. Using a tire valve stem changer, remove the relief valve
(Item 920) from the valve stem (Item 265).
3. From the inlet side of the valve, unscrew the valve stem
(Item 265) from the valve nut (Item 875).
4. Remove the valve nut (Item 875) by pressing down on
the spring holder (Item 382). The spring should be held
down with a press. Lift the valve nut out of position. The
spring holder and lock washer can now be removed from
the housing.
5. Remove the O-Ring retainer (Item 452), O-Ring (Item
470), piston (Item 133), O-Ring (Item 471) and spacer
(Item 472), lifting by the threaded end of the valve stem
(Item 265).
6. Remove the O-Ring retainer (Item 452) and O-Ring (Item
470) from the stem.
7. Remove the O-Ring (Item 471) and the piston (Item 133)
from the stem.
8. Replace components if necessary and reassemble. The
bushing (Item 485) is pressed in place and need not be
1. Place the piston (Item 133) on the valve stem (Item 265),
with the raised rim pointing upwards.
2. Place the spacer (Item 472) and O-Ring (Item 471) on
the piston (Item 133)
3. Place the O-Ring (Item 470) on the retainer (Item 452)
and place it over the piston (Item 133) with the O-Ring
4. Place washer (705) over the valve stem and secure it
with self locking nut (875)
5. Insert this assembly into the housing (Item 110) from the
outlet side.
6. Place the compression spring (Item 595) over the valve
stem (Item 265).
7. Insert the Teflon bearing (Item 486) into the valve spring
holder (Item 382).
8. Place the spring holder (Item 382) on the housing (Item
110) and compress the spring inward. A press should be
used to overcome the force of the spring.
9. Secure the spring holder with the spiral retaining ring
(Item 393).
10. Screw the pressure relief valve (Item 920) into the valve
stem (Item 265) using a tire valve stem changer.
The back check valve is now ready to be reinstalled using the
four screws (Item 3) and washers (item 4).
2882 Back Check Valve
Meter Outlet