Laurel Electronics Laureate 6-Digit Process Meter & Analog Signal Totalizer User Manual

ELECTRONICS INC., 3183-G Airway Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA • Tel 714-434-6131 • 1
Laureate™ 6-Digit Process Meter
& Analog Signal Totalizer
6-digit display of analog rate or totalized analog rate
0-1 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-10V input, or special factory scaling
Exceptional accuracy: ±0.005% of span ±1 count
Selectable square root display for differential pressure flow transducers
Field scalable for direct readout in engineering units
Selectable "count by" of 10 or 100 with rounding
Update rate selectable to 25/sec
Peak or valley display
Universal AC power, 85-264 Vac
Isolated 5, 10 or 24 Vdc excitation supply to power sensors
NEMA 4X, 1/8 DIN case
Optional serial I/O: Ethernet, USB, RS232, RS485, Ethernet-to-RS485 converter
Optional relay output: dual or quad relays, contact or solid state
Optional isolated analog output: 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V
Optional low voltage power: 10-48 Vdc or 12-32 Vac
Optional Extended Counter: all capabilities of Standard counter, plus
- Batch control based on rate and total
- Display of process time based on rate
- Custom curve linearization
Standard Counter Version:
Six-digit display of rate or total at the push of a front panel
key. A Laureate with the Standard counter main board and
a VF voltage-to-frequency signal conditioner board can be
scaled to display rate or totalized rate to six digits for 0-1 mA,
4-20 mA or 0-10V analog process signals. Special input
ranges are available from the factory. For example, the
display can be scaled to show flow rate in gallons/minute or
liters/sec, or to show volume in gallons or liters from the 0-
10V output of a flow transducer. Or the display can be scaled
to display power consumption in kilowatts or total utilized
energy in kilowatt-hours based on the 0-1 mA output of a watt
Square root extraction is selectable) and can be applied to
rate or total. This makes the VF Laureate ideal for use with
differential pressure flow meters, which have a squared
output. Totalized volume is based on linearized rate.
Accuracy is one of the highest for any digital panel meter:
±0.005% of span ±1 count.
Extended Counter Version:
Batch control based on linearized total. A Laureate VF meter
with the Extended counter main board can totalize linearized
flow from an analog rate signal, and also count up to a preset
value, or count down to zero from a preset value for batch
control. Operation as a batch controller requires the dual or
quad relay board options. One of the relays is dedicated to
ON/OFF batch control. Another relay is available to slow
down rate near the setpoint or to provide another alarm or
control function based on rate or total.
Custom curve linearization can use up to 180 data points
input into a spreadsheet or text file by the user. The computer
then calculates spline-fit segments, which are downloaded
into the meter via RS-232. The Extended VF meter can
linearize and display analog inputs based on a custom curve,
for instance to read out the volume of an irregularly shaped
tank based on level or pressure, or to linearize a nonlinear
transducer. Custom-linearized rates can also be totalized and
be used for batch control.
Time based on rate allows the Extended VF meter to display
a time inversely proportional to measured rate, such as the
time that it will take a conveyor to traverse an oven. As the
rate of the conveyor is increased, the displayed baking time is
Principles of V-to-F Operation
A voltage-to-frequency signal conditioner board converts the
full-scale 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA or 0-10 V analog signal to a frequency
of 10 kHz to 110 kHz. This frequency is determined by measuring
period over a selected gate time (from 10 ms to 200 s) and taking
the inverse of period. A short gate time provides a much higher
update rate than conventional counting-type frequency meters.
At the lowest frequency of 10 kHz and the minimum gate time of
10 ms, the meter is capable of 25 updates per second. Scaling to
rate in engineering units and totalizing are done mathematically.
Totals are stored in nonvolatile memory in case of power loss.
Designed for system use. Optional plug-in boards include
Ethernet and other serial communication boards, dual or quad
relay boards, and an isolated analog output board. Laureates
may be powered from 85-264 Vac or optionally from 12-32 Vac
or 10-48 Vdc. The display is available with red or green LEDs.
The 1/8 DIN case meets NEMA 4X (IP65) specifications from the
front when panel mounted. Any setup functions and front panel
keys can be locked out for simplified usage and security. A built-
in isolated 5, 10, or 24 Vdc excitation supply can power trans-
ducers and eliminate the need for an external power supply. All
power and signal connections are via UL / VDE / CSA rated
screw clamp plugs.