1 using an sc controller, 2 sensor setup, 3 sensor data logging – Hach-Lange 5740 sc User Manual
Page 15: 4 pressure and elevation
Section 4
4.1 Using an sc Controller
Before using the sensor in combination with an sc controller make yourself familiar with
the operating mode of the controller. Refer to the controller user manual and learn how to
use and navigate the menu functions.
4.2 Sensor Setup
When a sensor is initially installed, the serial number of the sensor will be displayed as the
sensor name. To change the sensor name refer to the following instructions:
1. Select the Main Menu.
2. From the Main Menu, select SENSOR SETUP and confirm.
3. Select the appropriate sensor if more than one sensor is attached and confirm.
4. Select CONFIGURE and confirm.
5. Select EDIT NAME and edit the name. Confirm or cancel to return to the Sensor
Setup menu.
4.3 Sensor Data Logging
The sc controller provides one data log and one event log for each sensor. The data log
stores the measurement data at selected intervals. The event log stores a variety of events
that occur on the devices such as configuration changes, alarms, warning conditions, etc.
The data log and the event log can be read out in a CSV format. For downloading the logs
please refer to the controller user manual.
4.4 Pressure and Elevation
Note: If the barometric pressure from Table
is entered in the meter, the altitude entered in
combination with this value must be 0 feet.
can be used to estimate the true barometric pressure at certain elevations. The
correspondence is based on the assumption that at sea level the barometric pressure is
760 mm Hg. After determining the barometric pressure from the table or obtaining it from a
local weather service, enter this value into the instrument.
Table 1 Elevation Barometric Pressure
Elevation in feet
Barometric pressure in mm Hg
Elevation in feet
Barometric pressure in mm Hg
760 (1013)
6000 (1829)
613 (817)
500 (152)
746 (995)
6500 (1981)
601 (801)
1000 (305)
733 (977)
7000 (2134)
590 (787)
1500 (457)
720 (960)
7500 (2286)
579 (772)
2000 (610)
708 (944)
8000 (2438)
568 (757)
2500 (762)
695 (927)
8500 (2591)
559 (745)
3000 (914)
683 (911)
9000 (2743)
548 (731)
3500 (1067)
671 (895)
9500 (2896)
538 (717)
4000 (1219)
659 (879)
10000 (3048)
527 (703)