General rs-232 commands, General commands – Contemporary Research 232-STSi V 6.3 User Manual
Page 10

Contemporary Research
232-STSi PAL TV Tuner
General Commands
Q0= Caption Mode Off (0-2)
Example: „>Q0=0‟ or „>Q00‟
Sets captioning mode
0=Captioning off (default)
1=Captioning on
2=Captioning active when volume is muted
Captioning off
Q1= Captioning Type (1-8)
Turns on captioning type
1=Caption 1 (normal setting for most captioning)
2=Caption 2
3=Caption 3
4=Caption 4
5-8= Text 1-4 (rarely used)
Q2= Video Loss Detection (0-3)
Selects response when a loss of video signal is detected
0=Both audio and video muted (default-blue screen for video)
2=Video muted, audio active
Audio is always unmated when external AV inputs are selected
Q3= AV Detect Status (0-3)
Enables/disables sending status response when Stereo/Mono or Video
Loss Detect changes. Only status operation is affected, the functions
continue to operate.
0=Disable Stereo/Mono and Video Loss Detect status (default)
1=Enable Stereo/Mono, disable Video Loss Detect
2=Enable Video Loss Detect, Disable Stereo/Mono
3=Enable Stereo/Mono and Video Loss Detect status
Q4= Label Mode with Status (0-3)
Example: ‟>Q4=2'
Sets on-screen channel label mode. Same as TM, current mode
reflected in status, setting TM will also change Q4. (Ver 3.1)
1=Alpha only
2=Numeric only (default)
3=Both alpha and numeric labels
Channel labels are displayed overlaying the video in the top-left corner
of the screen for about 10 seconds after each channel change.
Tuner displays the channel number only.