Com-Power CG-515 User Manual
Comb generator features description application, Cg-515

Comb Generator
The most important application of a Comb Generator,
is trouble shooting Open Area Test Sites (OATS). An
OATS must be completely calibrated before it is put
into service. When the validity of the test data taken at
an OATS is in doubt after it is put into service, it is not
always practical to perform complete site calibration.
The Comb Generator is a quick calibration tool that
can help identify potential problems with the site. For
instance, emission measurements taken from a product
at two different test sites can sometimes vary. It is very
difficult to determine the cause of the variation. Using
the same test setup, measurement can be taken with a
Comb Generator in place of the product at both sites.
The data can be compared to determine if variation is
due to the product or the test site.
Other uses of the Comb Generator include evaluating
shielding effectiveness and /or resonance performance
of enclosures for electronic equipment. Shielding per-
formance of an enclosure can be evaluated simply by
comparing the noise with and without an enclosure. The
Comb Generator can also be used for production evalu-
ation of components, such as cables and filters.
The CG-515 Series Comb Generators are reference signal
sources providing frequency harmonics at preset frequency
intervals. The output signal of the Comb Generator is used
as a conducted or a radiated signal source.
As a conducted signal source, the output is available directly
from the connector. Two antennas are supplied with the
Comb Generator for generating radiated reference signals.
The Comb Generator is powered by a rechargeable internal
battery. Battery power eliminates any possible measure-
ment variations that can be caused by an external power
cable connection. When fully charged, the battery allows
continuous operation for up to 18 hours. Internal control
and monitoring circuits provide indications of valid output
A battery charger is included with the Comb Generator.
The Comb Generator and accessories are shipped in a
wooden storage box.
Reference noise source - For site verification
Wide frequency band
Conducted and radiated noise
Small Size - To test small enclosures
Battery Powered - For accuracy and convenience
Two Year Warranty
Com-Power Corporation
(714) 528 - 8800