Description – Carolina 3M Petrifilm Enterobacteriaceae Count Plates User Manual

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The 3M™ Petrifilm™ Enterobacteriaceae Count (EB) Plates are ready-made
culture medium systems that contains nutrients, a cold-water-soluble gelling
agent, and an indicator dye. Petrifilm plates are manufactured with a grid
background to facilitate counting colonies.

Petrifilm EB plates are designed to allow organisms to grow in an oxygen-
limited environment. Their systems of nutrients and dyes enable the user to
identify colonies formed by Enterobacteriaceae. For more information,
please see Interpretation. Petrifilm plates can be used in a variety of ways:

Petrifilm plates can be hydrated with a bacterial culture, or a dilution of a
culture, for counting the viable organisms present. See Method A.

Petrifilm plates can be hydrated first with water or buffer, then inoculated
by swabbing, streaking, or touching to surfaces. See Method B.

Antibiotics can be added to the hydration fluid to select for resistant
organisms in Method A or B.

Cells can be removed from colonies growing on Petrifilm plates and used
to inoculate additional cultures or for staining.

Experimental results on Petrifilm plates can be saved for future reference
by scanning the plates on a standard computer-linked scanner. Do not
open the plates for scanning.

Petrifilm plates were developed for use in the food and beverage industry.
They have been certified for official analyses in many countries. For more
information about these applications, see the 3M page on the World Wide
Web at

©1999 Carolina Biological Supply Company

Printed in USA