Carolina NeuLog Spirometer User Manual

Neulog spirometer sensor guide

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NeuLog spirometer sensor

Carolina # 369645

The NeuLog spirometer sensor can be used for any science experiment or activity
which can utilize lung capacity such as in the fields of Psychology, Biology, Exercise
Science, etc.

The sensor comes pre-calibrated so you can start experimentation right out of the box
using any of the following guides.

Just a few of the thousands of possible experimental subjects that can be done with
the NUL-216 sensors are: gas flow rates, the ideal gas law, exercise experiments,
studying lung function, lung physiology, and many more.

The spirometer sensor uses the following units of measure:

Liters per second (L/s): The amount of volume which passes through the
sensor tube per second.

Using the spirometer sensor:

The NeuLog spirometer sensor comes with laminated paper for use.

Prior to experimentation, roll a single piece of laminated paper into a tube which is
then placed inside of the spirometer sensor (into the side with the wider internal
opening). The paper will stick out from the metal sensor tube about one inch. By
blowing into the paper instead of directly into the metal tube the sensor will remain
more sanitary for later uses.

Using the software’s “area” function, you can determine the total volume of your lungs

Quick start procedure:

PC or Mac Computer

Materials needed:

NUL-216 Spirometer Sensor

 Laminated Paper (included)

USB-200 USB Module

 A USB to mini USB cable (which comes with the USB-200)

Your spirometer sensor needs to be connected to a USB-200 module. The USB-200
module then connects to a computer via a USB to mini-USB cable. Please note that
you cannot plug the spirometer sensor directly into the computer.

Resident PC software and browser based software can be downloaded for free at as well as a full software user guide. Note: Make sure not
to download and install both types of software, they will conflict on the computer.



Prior to initial us

e, please review the “Using the spirometer sensor” section

of the instructions starting on page 2 of this document.


Install the NeuLog software


Connect the USB-200 module to the PC or Mac


Connect the spirometer sensor to the USB-200 module (they directly plug
together). Please note there is no calibration required for this sensor.


Open the NeuLog software.


Once a spirometer sensor logo appears on the left side of the screen the
probe has been automatically identified and you can begin experimentation.


If t

he spirometer sensor is not automatically identified then click the “Search

for sensors” icon to find the sensor.


Select the “On-line experiment” button; this will open a graph below.


Click on the “Module setup” button located on the spirometer sensor icon in
the module window to change the sensor settings if need be.

10. Click on the experiment set up button to change the experiment settings if

need be (experiment duration for example).

11. The spirometer sensor will give a live reading in the box to the left of the

screen while plugged in.


To run an experiment and collect data click “Run experiment”.


To end data collection early, click “Stop experiment”.