Burke Flooring Rubber Tile and Stair Tread Installation User Manual
Page 7

Burke Flooring Products, a Division of Burke Industries
2250 South Tenth Street, San Jose CA 95112
(408) 297-3500
Pour the entire mixed contents out of the can immediately onto the sub-
floor in the areas of application. Trowel the adhesive with a 1/16" x 1/16” x
1/16” square notched trowel.
Yields: The average adhesive yield from a gallon unit of BR 721epoxy will be
approximately 100 square feet, depending on the smoothness of the sub-
floor. Coverage for BR 725 urethane adhesive will be approximately 135
square feet per gallon. Rough sub-floor surfaces and improper or worn trowel
notching will affect the adhesive spread rate. Do not apply adhesive to the
Two part adhesive average working life is one hour at a temperature of 72ºF
(24ºC). Tiles may be laid shortly after spreading as no open time is needed.
However, if the spread adhesive is allowed to remain open 15-20 minutes the
adhesive will develop more initial tack and will help reduce tile slipping.
4. Lay tiles point to point as per dry laying instructions (Section III). Note: Roll
or curl the corners of the tile downward or underneath the tile by hand prior
to laying to prevent the corners from sticking up after the tiles are laid.
5. Roll the adhered tiles with a 150 lb. roller diagonally, slowly, in two
directions. This should be done soon after laying the tile into the adhesive.
6. A second rolling should be done one hour after the first rolling. Weight
corners with sand bags, or use duct tape on corners if necessary. With
Domino, Square and Bison profiles, hand roll all seams with a narrow 2"
hand roller to level the tile edges to one another. A third rolling may be
advisable if the sub-floor temperature is cool.
7. Sweep upon completion of laying to detect dropped or oozing adhesive.
Remove any such adhesive with water or mineral spirits on a cloth. Do not
use turpentine (see Section 1 of Maintenance Instructions). Note: Remove
adhesive before it cures. It is impossible to remove adhesive after it
8. An unsheltered but roofed installation should be protected from the heat of
the sun or from wetness for at least 8-12 hours after installation. Lay a light
colored opaque cover over the installation if necessary for adequate
protection from the sun and wetness.