Burke Flooring Rubber Tile and Stair Tread Installation User Manual

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Burke Flooring Products, a Division of Burke Industries

2250 South Tenth Street, San Jose CA 95112

(408) 297-3500

5. Important: With respect to the type of concrete or other cementituous

patching material used in the sub-floor, responsibility for a warranty and
performance of the sub-floor belongs to the concrete or cementituous
patching material manufacturer and the installer.

6. Curing compounds, bond breakers or sealers will seriously inhibit the

adhesion of the tile to the sub-floor. They should be completely removed by
scarifying, grinding (with a terrazzo grinder) or by shot blasting. One shot
blasting machine, Blastrac, is made by U.S. Filter Blastrac; (405) 478-3440;
(800) 256-3440;

7. Oil or Grease on the sub-floor. Grease or oil stain must be thoroughly washed

with a degreaser and thoroughly flushed. If the concrete sub-floor is
impregnated with oil or grease, do not attempt to install Rubber tile.

8. Burke does not warrant installation of Rubber tile over un-removed old floor

coverings (such as vinyl tile), coatings and adhesives. Should the installer
elect to install over old floor coatings or coverings such as tile, adhesives or
paint, adequate adhesion may not be achieved.

9. Old black asphalt "cut back" adhesives are harmful to a good bond and must

be mechanically removed or properly covered with approved cementituous
patching compound (see #9 below). BR 725 can be used over cut-back
residue left after the bulk of it has been scraped off the floor. Do not use
epoxy or contact adhesives over cut-back adhesive residue.

8. Ceramic tile, quarry tile or terrazzo floors. Installing rubber tile over ceramic

tiles is not recommended. However, when the ceramic glaze is sanded
thoroughly and when the grout lines are filled and leveled properly with a
cementituous leveler, the installation may be successful. Over terrazzo sub-
floors adhesion is sometimes difficult due to waxes burnished into its very
smooth surface. If installation over terrazzo is contemplated, the minimum
preparation should be shot blasting or terrazzo grinding to remove all waxes
or soil. Remove all dust by vacuuming. A thorough adhesive bond testing
should be performed. BR 721 or BR 725 adhesives are the best suited
adhesives for good bond, but caution is recommended.

9. Cracks, depressions, "saw-cut" construction joints (non-moving) and rough

areas should be cleaned and filled with a top quality cementituous patching
compound with a minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi such as Ardex
or Mapei (see below). Use as directed by the manufacturer. If rubber tile
epoxy is used as a crack filler, plow the epoxy well into the depression. Allow
to cure completely. Sand the cured epoxy for better adhesion.