Schreiber Chillers Excellon 150EX User Manual

Page 14

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Excellon 235785-01/02

necessary to check the rotation of the pump. The motors on all pumps have
internal overload protection.

8. Power to the unit should be on for 3 hours prior to full usage to allow the crank

case heater to heat the compressor. PLEASE READ SECTION ON CRANK

Note: Instructions 9-11 are not used on units with electronic controls

9. The water pump manual switch controls the operation of the water pump. After

checking the rotation of the water pump. PLEASE NOTE when the water pump is
turning the proper rotation. The water pump switch must be on in order to check
rotation of fan motor. To check rotation of the fan motor you turn on the manual
compressor switch. The rotation of this fan should be clockwise. Meaning, the air
must exhaust out the top of the unit. The refrigeration system will not run unless
the water pump manual switch is in the on position.

10. With the temperature controller set, the compressor can be turned on by the

manual switch. The refrigeration system is now running. Use the dial thermometer
as a guide. Once set, the temperature controller will control the temperature of the
water automatically. The chilled water temperature controller is a unique controller
and is controlled by the ambient temperature. It is factory set. When you turn the
manual compressor switch on, the refrigeration system will turn on. The
refrigeration system will cycle off and on by the ambient temperature. The purpose
of this controller is to prevent condensation. See enclosed factory instruction on
this controller.

11. The R34DCg Differential Controller is designed to operate the chiller according to

the ambient temperature. When set at the recommended settings, the water in the
chiller will be controlled to within 10 degrees of the air temperature around the
outside of the chiller as measured by the probe mounted under the controller.
EXAMPLE: If ambient temperature is 70 degrees F, the water temperature should
be between 65 to 75 degrees F. As the ambient temperature rises and falls, the
water temperature will follow, and should stay within the 10 degree F margin.

The recommended settings for the Differential Controller are as follows:

1. Set the upper knob (ON) to 10.
2. Set the lower knob (OFF) to 5.
3. These settings will allow the 10-degree difference needed to control


Things to check when operating the chiller: