Schreiber Chillers 2500ACsf User Manual
Page 12

7. Fill the water reservoir through the reservoir fill inlet. Fill the reservoir until it
reaches the level as marked on the water sight glass. The water level should
be kept within ½" of the marked level. Do not fill the water reservoir with
DEIONIZED WATER. If an automatic water fill is installed on the unit, it will
maintain the proper water level automatically. In the event you ever over fill the
reservoir, there is an overflow.
8. Check the voltage on the chiller to see that it matches your supply. When
applying power to the water pump (by turning the manual switch on), make
sure all the switches on the control panel are in the "off" position. Power to the
unit should be on for 3 hours prior to full usage to allow the crank case heater
to heat the compressor. PLEASE READ SECTION ON CRANK CASE
9. This unit has two switches that control the refrigeration; these are numbered
"No. 1" and "No. 2". The unit disconnect switch must be in the "on" position.
With the power on you must first check the rotation of the water pump. Remove
the access panels to check this rotation, turn the water pump switch "on" for
just enough time to check water pump rotation. Running the water pump in the
wrong direction for too long can back the pump seal off. When this pump is
running in the correct rotation, as marked on pump housing, replace the access
panel, now set each thermostat.
10. The water pump manual switch controls the operation of the water pump. After
checking the rotation of the water pump. PLEASE NOTE when the water pump
is turning the proper rotation. The water pump switch must be on in order to
check rotation of fan motor. The refrigeration system will not run unless the
water pump switch is in the on position. Set the temperature controller to the
desired temperature. If the temperature is set below freezing, antifreeze
should be added through the overflow pipe. Never add more antifreeze than
necessary, since it is a poor conductor of heat - the cooling capacity of the
chiller will be reduced.
11. With the temperature controller set, the compressor can be turned on by the
manual switch. The refrigeration system is now running. It should be noted that
there could be a two to three degree difference between the temperature
control setting and the dial thermometer. Use the dial thermometer as a guide.
Once set, the temperature controller will control the temperature of the water
12. This unit is not weatherproof and should not be installed outdoors. Outdoor
installation is possible in some areas of the country. Please check with the
factory for more information.