Input pin configuration (adl), Digital inputs (dig1 – dig 4), Switch inputs (dig5 – 6) – MoTeC E816 User Manual
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4 Inputs
Digital Inputs (DIG1 – DIG 4)
DIG1 to DIG4 may be used to measure frequency. The frequency
measurement range is approximately 1Hz to 5000Hz. Digital inputs should be
pulled to ground as the inputs have an internal 2K7 to 12V pull-up resistor.
Note: Digital Inputs 1 – 4 can only be calibrated to measure frequency. If they
are used as On/Off switches, then the status information is available in the
CAN template ‘Expander Diagnostics’ – see below
Switch Inputs (DIG5 – 6)
These can be used to measure and On/Off style switch. The switches should
be wired so that the E8xx input is pulled to ground when the switch is activated.
Note: Digital inputs 5 and 6 are not included in the Input Pins setup. Instead
they are included in the CAN template ‘Expander Diagnostics’ – see below.
Input Pin Configuration (ADL)
Sensors connected to the E8xx inputs can be configured in the same way as
those connected directly to the ADL. This requires that the ADL is upgraded to
version 3.1 or later.
In Dash Manager, go to ‘Inputs – Communications’ and select an empty CAN
tab. Click on ‘Select’ and choose ‘Expander Inputs’ from the list.
Tabs for Expander Analog Volt and Expander Digital input pin configuration
can be found under the Dash Manager menu item ‘Inputs – Input Pins’.
The Expander type can be selected from the drop down list. The list of inputs
will then show the input name and pin numbers for that particular expander.
The 16 Analogue Volt and 4 Digital Inputs can now be configured the same
way as other ADL inputs by Selecting a channel and then assigning a
calibration. See the ADL Manual for more details on configuring sensor inputs.