Lexibook JC650i1 User Manual

Page 21

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Activity 47: Computer glossary Quiz
Did you read all the information carefully? Test
your knowledge by completing this IT quiz. A
definition will scroll across the screen followed by
three possible answers. Find the word matching
the definition displayed on the screen. Select the
correct answer and press the “ENTER” key to
confirm. To read the definition again, press the
left or right arrow keys.

Activité 48 : Geography Quiz
What do you know about other countries? Test your
knowledge by completing this geography quiz. A
question will scroll across the screen followed by
three possible answers. Find the country matching the description displayed
on the screen.
Select the correct answer and press the “ENTER” key to confirm. To read
the question again, press the left or right arrow keys.

Activity 49: Inventions Quiz
Is there a young inventor hidden in you? Test your
knowledge by completing this invention quiz. A
question will scroll across the screen followed by
three possible answers.
Select the correct answer and press the “ENTER”
key to confirm. To read the question again, press
the left or right arrow keys.

Activity 50: US National Anthem Quiz
How much do you really know about the American
national anthem? Test your knowledge by completing
this quiz. A question will scroll across the screen
followed by three possible answers. Select the correct answer and press the
“ENTER” key to confirm. To read the question again, press the left or right
arrow keys.


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