Lexibook JC650i1 User Manual
Page 19

Activity 39: Racing game
Overtake your competitors without colliding
with them. Use the up and down arrow keys
to change lanes.
Level : 30 cars.
Level : 60 cars.
Activity 40: Memory
Find the hidden pairs. Use the arrow keys to
select a card and press the “ENTER” key to
confirm your choice. If your choice is right,
the pair will remain facing up. Otherwise, the
cards will be turned over again. At the end of
the round, the last pair of cards remaining will
be automatically revealed.
Level : 6 cards.
Level : 0 cards.
Activity 41: Internet glossary
Learn everything about the Internet. Scroll
down the word list and read the definitions.
Using the arrow keys, you will be able to
highlight the word that you want to read. Select
it and read the text by scrolling again with the
arrow keys. Use the “ESC” key to go back to
the word list.
Activity 42: Computer glossary
Become an IT professional. Scroll down the
word list and read the definitions.
Using the arrow keys, you will be able to
highlight the word that you want to read. Select
it and read the text by scrolling again with the
arrow keys. Use the “ESC” key to go back to
the word list.
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04/07/2006 18:37:42