Lexibook JC650i1 User Manual
Page 13

Activity 17: Subtraction
Solve subtractions that appear onscreen. Enter the
result by pressing the numerical keys located above
the letters on your keyboard. In order to enter a
two-digit number you must type them from right to left,
as you have learnt in school. For example, to enter
number 5, type 5 then . Once you have entered
your answer, press ENTER to confirm.
Level : Easy exercises (numbers 0-50).
Level 2: More difficult exercises (numbers 0-250).
Activity 18: Multiplication
Solve the multiplications that appear onscreen. Enter
the result by pressing the numerical keys located
above the letters on your keyboard. In order to enter a
two-digit number you must type them from right to left,
as you have learnt in school. For example, to enter
number 5, type 5 then . Once you have entered
your answer, press the “ENTER” key to confirm.
Level : Easy exercises (numbers 0-50).
Level 2: More difficult exercises (numbers 0-250).
Activity 19: Division introduction
Solve the divisions that appear onscreen. Enter the
result by pressing the numerical keys located above
the letters on your keyboard. In order to enter a
two-digit number you must type them from right to left,
as you have learnt in school. For example, to enter
number 5, type 5 then . Once you have entered your
answer, press the “ENTER” key to confirm.
Level 1: Easy exercises (first number no greater than
Level 2: More difficult exercises (first number up to
Activity 20: Missing operator
Find the correct mathematical operator in the equation
shown onscreen. The operators +, -, x and ÷ will scroll
between the numbers. When the correct operator
appears, press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Level : Easy exercises ( to 50).
Level 2: More difficult exercises (20 to 1001).
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04/07/2006 18:37:40