Avision @V2100 User Manual

Page 49

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Managing Filing Folders


Fill/choose your favorite items on the above dialog by referring to the

following direction:

F o l d e r N a m e : Name a folder to hold all set-up information.
(Note: The folder names can not be repeated.)

P r o t o c o l : includes FTP, HTTP, and CIFS.

S e r v e r : the IP address of a server.

D i r e c t o r y : The directory path of the designated filing server.

The rule of how to write the path depends on Protocols.

F T P a n d H T T P : Begin with the root directory without slash line.

Example: FILINGFOLDER /image file

CIFS: MS Windows’ UNC naming method is applied. Begin with server

name with double slash lines added at the front.


\ \ Y o u r C o m p u t e r \ F I L I N G F O L D E R

U s e r N a m e : Login name of the filing server.

P a s s w o r d : Login password to enter the filing server.


Click "Continue" for the next input or "Finish" to temporarily save the latest data

and return to the main screen.


Click Save to permanently save all the latest data on the @V2100,


E x i t to leave without saving any latest data.