AAEON FWS-7800 User Manual
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N e t w o r k Ap p l i a n c e
F W S - 7 8 0 0
Chapter 1 General Information
1.1 Introduction ................................................................ 1-2
1.2 Features .................................................................... 1-3
1.3 Specifications ............................................................ 1-4
1.4 General System Information ..................................... 1-7
Chapter 2 Quick Installation Guide
2.1 Safety Precautions .................................................... 2-2
2.2 Location of Connectors ............................................. 2-3
2.3 Mechanical Drawings of FWS-7800 .......................... 2-5
2.4 List of Jumpers .......................................................... 2-6
2.5 List of Connectors ..................................................... 2-7
2.6 Setting Jumpers ........................................................ 2-8
2.7 Clear CMOS / RTC (JP1/JP2) ................................... 2-9
2.8 AT/ATX Power Type Selection (JP3) ........................ 2-9
2.9 Compact Flash Card Power Selection (JP4) ............ 2-9
2.10 Front Panel Connector (FP1) .................................. 2-9
2.11 ATX POWER Connector (ATX1) ............................. 2-9
2.12 AUX POWER 12 Connector (ATX 2) ...................... 2-10
2.13 VGA PIN HEADER (CN1) ....................................... 2-10
2.14 PS2 Keyboard/Mouse Connector (CN2) ................. 2-11
2.15 USB 0/1/2/3 PIN HEADER (CN3/CN4) ................... 2-11
2.16 PCI-E Power Connector (CN7) ............................... 2-11