AAEON FWS-7800 User Manual
Page 45

N e t w o r k Ap p l i a n c e
F W S - 7 8 0 0
Appendix A Programming the Watchdog Timer
(1) Enter the MB PnP Mode
To enter the MB PnP Mode, four special I/O write operations are to
be performed during Wait for Key state. To ensure the initial state of
the key-check logic, it is necessary to perform four write opera-tions
to the Special Address port (2EH). Two different enter keys are
provided to select configuration ports (2Eh/2Fh) of the next step.
Address Port
Data Port
87h, 01h, 55h, 55h:
(2) Modify the Data of the Registers
All configuration registers can be accessed after entering the MB
PnP Mode. Before accessing a selected register, the content of
Index 07h must be changed to the LDN to which the register
belongs, except some Global registers.
(3) Exit the MB PnP Mode
Set bit 1 of the configure control register (Index=02h) to 1 to exit the
MB PnP Mode.
WatchDog Timer Configuration Registers
LDN Index R/W Reset Configuration Register or Action
All 02H W N/A Configuration
07H 71H R/W 00H
WatchDog Timer Control Register
07H 72H R/W 00H
WatchDog Timer Configuration Register
07H 73H R/W 00H
WatchDog Timer Time-out Value (LSB)
07H 74H R/W 00H
WatchDog Timer Time-out Value (MSB)
Configure Control (Index=02h)
This register is write only. Its values are not sticky; that is to say, a
hardware reset will automatically clear the bits, and does not
require the software to clear them.