AAEON AGP-3175 User Manual

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R u g g e d E x p a n d a b l e

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T o u c h P a n e l P C



Chapter 1 General Information

1.1 Introduction................................................................ 1-2

1.2 Feature ...................................................................... 1-3

1.3 Specification .............................................................. 1-4

1.4 Dimension ................................................................. 1-7

Chapter 2 Hardware Installation

2.1 Safety Precautions .................................................... 2-2

2.2 Location of Connectors and Jumpers of the Main

Board ............................................................................... 2-3

2.3 List of Jumpers .......................................................... 2-5

2.4 List of Connectors ..................................................... 2-5

2.5 Setting Jumpers ........................................................ 2-6

2.6 CMOS Setting (CMOS1) ........................................... 2-7

2.7 Auto PWRBTN Selection (JP1)................................. 2-7

2.8 CFD Voltage 3.3V/5V Selection (JP2) ...................... 2-7

2.9 TPM Setting (JP3) ..................................................... 2-7

2.10 COM1 +12V/+5V/RING Selection (JP5) ................. 2-7

2.11 COM2 +12V/+5V/RING Selection (JP6) ................. 2-8

2.12 COM1~2 Port LED Connector (CN8)...................... 2-8

2.13 COM3~4 Port LED Connector (CN9)...................... 2-8

2.14 LAN Port LED Connector (CN10) ........................... 2-8

2.15 RS-232/422/485 Pin Header (COM2) ..................... 2-9