AAEON IMBA-Q77 User Manual
Page 79

I n d u s t r i a l M o t h e r b o a r d
I M B A - Q 7 7
Appendix A Programming the Watchdog Timer
0: GPIO5 is inactive. 1: GPIO5 is active.
0 R/W
0: WDTO# and PLED are inactive.
1: WDTO# and PLED are inactive.
CR F5h. (WDTO# and KBC P20 Control Mode Register; Default
7~5 Reserved.
4 R/W
1000 time faster in WDTO# count mode.
0: Disable.
1: Enable.
(If bit-3 is Second Mode, the count mode is 1/1000 Sec.)
(If bit-3 is Minute Mode, the count mode is 1/1000 Min.)
3 R/W
Select WDTO# count mode.
0: Second Mode.
1: Minute Mode.
2 R/W
Enable the rising edge of KBC reset (P20) to issue
time-out event.
0: Disable.
1: Enable.
1 R/W
Disable/ Enable the WDTO# output low pulse to the
KBRST# pin (PIN60)
0: Disable.
1: Enable.
CR F6h. (WDTO# Counter Register; Default 00h)
7~0 R/W
Watch Dog Timer Time-out value. Writing a non-zero
value to this register causes the counter to load the
value to Watch Dog Counter and start counting down.
If bits 7 and 6 of CR F7h are set, any Mouse Interrupt or
Keyboard Interrupt event will also cause the reload of
previously-loaded non-zero value to Watch Dog Counter
and start counting down. Reading this resigter returns
current value in Watch Dog Counter instead of Watch
Dog Timer Time-out value.
00h: Time-out Disable