Liberty Pumps Ascent II User Manual

Page 7

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©Copyright 2013 Liberty Pumps Inc. All rights reserved.



If you wish the unit to pump vertically and horizontally you may calculate 3 feet of vertical lift is equivalent to 30 feet of “horizontal”

run. Each bend or change of direction gives a pressure drop, which must be calculated into the total head of the unit. As an

estimate, reduce discharge height by 3 feet for each 90° bend.

For example: 1” SCH. 40 PVC pipe is used for the discharge and runs horizontally for 1’; then turns 90° and rises 5’ vertical.

Then it travels horizontal with another 90° turn (3 turns in total) and connects with the soil-stack. See illustration below.

Total vertical lift 5’  5’ vertical
Total Horizontal run 43’  4.3’ vertical
Total of three 90° elbows  9’ vertical
Now add the three together we get 18.3’ of vertical lift. Reading the

performance curve below indicates the application would result in a flow

rate of 23 gal/min(60Hz).

Tub / Shower should be installed
on a riser to accommodate the P trap

All fixtures must be properly vented