Pump and seal disassembly and reassembly – Gorman-Rupp Pumps SF4A 1488019 and up User Manual

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Review all SAFETY information in Section A.

This pump requires little service due to its rugged,
minimum‐maintenance design. However, if it be­
comes necessary to inspect or replace the wearing
parts, follow these instructions, which are keyed to
the illustrations (see Figures E-1 and E-2) and
the corresponding parts lists.

This manual will alert personnel to known proce­
dures which require special attention, to those
which could damage equipment, and to those
which could be dangerous to personnel. However,
this manual cannot possibly anticipate and provide
detailed precautions for every situation that might
occur during maintenance of the unit. Therefore, it
is the responsibility of the owner/maintenance per­
sonnel to ensure that only safe, established main­
tenance procedures are used, and that any proce­
dures not addressed in this manual are performed
only after establishing that neither personal safety
nor pump integrity are compromised by such prac­

Do not attempt to service the pump as­
sembly unless all power to the motor
has been shut off at the control box;
otherwise, injury or death could result.

Use a lifting device with sufficient ca­
pacity. If slings or chains are used to
move the pump or components, make
sure that the load is balanced; other­
wise serious personal injury or death
could result.

If this pump is used to handle sewage,
take necessary precautions during
maintenance and repair to prevent per­
sonal contamination which could result
in illness.

Select a suitable location, preferably indoors, to
perform required maintenance. All work must be
performed by qualified personnel.

Check the chart in TROUBLESHOOTING, Section
D of this manual, to determine the nature of the
pump problem. If the problem is mechanical in na­
ture, such as worn pump parts, seal replacement,
lubrication, etc., refer to PUMP END DISASSEM­
for instructions.

If the problem is electrical, complete disassembly
may not be required. Refer to Electrical Testing in
TROUBLESHOOTING, Section D, and have a
qualified electrician check the control box, cable
and terminal housing. If the problem is determined
to be in the cable(s) or terminal housing, see MO­
for terminal housing replace­
ment. If the problem is determined to be in the mo­
tor, proceed with PUMP END DISASSEMBLY, fol­

The electrical power used to operate
this pump is high enough to cause inju­
ry or death. Make certain that the control
on the control box is in the off po­
sition and locked out, or that the power
supply to the control box has been
otherwise cut off and locked out, before
attempting to open or service the pump
assembly. Tag electrical circuits to pre­
vent accidental start‐up.

Carefully inspect any O‐rings before removal and
cleaning to determine if a proper seal and com­
pression existed prior to disassembly. If sealing
was faulty or questionable, the cause must be de­
termined and corrected before reassembly. All O‐
rings must be replaced if disturbed.


Preparing Pump for Disassembly

Use the hoisting bail to remove the pump from the
wet well or sump. If installed in a trash application,
remove the dischareg piping and move the pump
to a suitable location for disassembly.