Operation - section c – Gorman-Rupp Pumps PAH8A60C-B 1537579 and up User Manual
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Review all SAFETY information in Section A.
Follow the instructions on all tags, labels and
decals attached to the pump.
This pump is designed to handle liquids
containing large entrained solids and
slurries. Do not attempt to pump vola
tile, corrosive, or flammable liquids
which may damage the pump or endan
ger personnel as a result of pump fail
Pump speed and operating condition
points must be within the continuous per
formance range shown on the perfor
mance curve in Section E on page E-1.
Install the pump and piping as described in IN
STALLATION. Make sure that the piping connec
tions are tight, and that the pump is securely
mounted. Check that the pump is properly lubri
The pump will begin to prime upon startup. The air
in the suction line will be discharged from the educ
tor discharge line. Complete priming is indicated
by a positive discharge pressure reading.
If full priming is not achieved, the discharge check
valve may be malfunctioning. If this occurs, shut
down the pump and consult Maintenance and
Repair, Section E for further details.
Consult the operations manual furnished with the
power source.
The correct direction of pump rotation is counter
clockwise when facing the impeller. The pump
could be damaged and performance adversely af
fected by incorrect rotation. If pump performance
is not within the specified limits (see the curve on
page E‐1), check the direction of power source ro
tation before further troubleshooting.
If an electric motor is used to drive the pump, re
move V‐belts, couplings, or otherwise disconnect
the pump from the motor before checking motor
rotation. Operate the motor independently while
observing the direction of the motor shaft, or cool
ing fan.
If rotation is incorrect on a three‐phase motor, have
a qualified electrician interchange any two of the
three phase wires to change direction. If rotation is
incorrect on a single‐phase motor, consult the liter
ature supplied with the motor for specific instruc
The pump will begin to prime upon startup. The air
in the suction line will be discharged from the educ
tor discharge line. Complete priming is indicated
by a positive discharge pressure reading.
If full priming is not achieved, the discharge check
valve may be malfunctioning. If this occurs, shut
down the pump and consult the separate Mainte
nance and Repair manual for further details.
Once the pump is fully primed, no leakage should
be visible at pump mating surfaces, or at pump
connections or fittings. Keep all line connections
and fittings tight to maintain maximum pump effi
Liquid Temperature And Overheating
The maximum liquid temperature for this pump is
F (71
C). Do not apply it at a higher operating