Safety ‐ section a – Gorman-Rupp Pumps 03J1-B 713013 and up User Manual

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This information applies to 0 Series ba­
sic pumps. Gorman‐Rupp has no con­
trol over or particular knowledge of the
power source which will be used. Refer
to the manual accompanying the power
source before attempting to begin oper­

This manual will alert personnel to
known procedures which require spe­
cial attention, to those which could
damage equipment, and to those which
could be dangerous to personnel.


ever, this manual cannot possibly antici­
pate and provide detailed instructions
and precautions for every situation that
might occur during maintenance of the
unit. Therefore, it is the responsibility of
the owner/maintenance personnel to
ensure that only safe, established main­
tenance procedures are used, and that
any procedures not addressed in this
manual are performed only after estab­
lishing that neither personal safety nor
pump integrity are compromised by
such practices.

Before attempting to open or service the

1. Familiarize yourself with this man­


2. Disconnect or lock out the power

source to ensure that the pump will
remain inoperative.

3. Allow the pump to completely cool

if overheated.

4. Check the temperature before

opening any covers, plates, or

5. Close the suction and discharge


6. Vent the pump slowly and cau­


7. Drain the pump.

This pump is designed to handle petro­
leum products or other clean liquids
that do not contain large entrained sol­
ids. Do not attempt to pump liquids
which may damage the pump or endan­
ger personnel as a result of pump fail­

This pump is designed to handle petro­
leum products or other clean liquids
that do not contain large entrained sol­
ids. If the pump is used for handling vol­
atile, flammable liquids, all drivers and/
or controls must meet industry stan­
dards and codes for use in an explosive
atmosphere. Do not attempt to pump liq­
uids for which the pump, driver and/or
controls have not been approved, or
which may damage the pump or endan­
ger personnel as a result of pump fail­

If this pump is used for volatile and/or
flammable liquids, be certain proper
safety practices are followed before op­
erating or servicing the pump. Provide
adequate ventilation, prohibit smoking,
wear static‐resistant clothing and
shoes. Clean up all fuel spills immedi­
ately after occurrence.

Do not install and operate a non‐explo­
sion proof motor in an explosive atmo­
sphere. Install, connect, and operate
the motor in accordance with the Na­