Spencer Hermetic Gas Boosters User Manual
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Form GG7, Copyright © 2003 The Spencer Turbine Company
The Turbine Company, 600 Day Hill Road, Windsor, CT 06095-4706
Since 1892 moving air and gas for a cleaner environment
TEL 800-232-4321
FAX 860-688-0098
End Head
End Head
of Inlet
Radial Inlet
Tangential Discharge
The motor bearings are factory lubricated for life. The machine
must be disassembled if both front and back motor bearings
are to be replaced. Consult factory for repair procedure.
Caution: It is very important that the direction of rotation
of the gas booster be the same as that indicated by the
arrow plate. Correction rotation will result in rated dis-
charge pressure. Incorrect rotation will result in less than
rated discharge pressure.
Warning: Be sure all electrical power is disconnected
prior to performing machine maintenance.
Instructions for Disassembly and Reassembly
Remember during disassembly that parts will be reassem-
bled in exactly the same relative positions. Therefore, it is
recommended that each part be tagged as it is removed
from the machine to facilitate later reassembly. It is espe-
cially important that the location of each impeller, as well
as its position on the shaft, be marked.
To disassemble the blower begin at the discharge end and
remove in turn, the end head, the end head spacer, the dis-
charge division head, the impeller, spacer, rope packing,
deflector, impeller, spacer, and so on until all impellers are
removed. The intake division head can be removed.
To remove the motor, remove intake end head and the bolts
holding motor to the base.
Bolt the motor down tightly in its original position with the shaft
in the exact center of the blower casing. Run the motor to
make sure that the shaft turns absolutely free. Place the first
impeller on the shaft, buy do not tighten it. Place deflector
head back tightly against the stops, and with a suitable tool,
caulk the packing firmly back into the grooves. Set the impeller
midway in its chamber in such a position that the marks on the
hub and shaft coincide. Tighten impeller bolts firmly. Tighten
the screws securely, but evenly, taking only a few turns on
each screw in succession. Place the second impeller on the
shaft, but do not tighten. Place spacer into deflector head and
put both together into position in the casing.
Recommended spare parts:
1. Impellers
2. Rope Packing
3. End Head Gaskets
Instructions for Balancing
When machines leave our plant there is no perceptible vibra-
tion in them. Rough handling during transportation sometimes
upsets a good machine balance. When a machine is being
disassembled for repairs, mark the parts as they are removed.
If this is done, no trouble should be expected from vibration
when they are reassembled in the same order.
However, if there is any vibration due to an unbalanced condi-
tion after assembly, contact Spencer’s Service Department.
Caution: Customers should not attempt to balance a
hermetic gas booster.
Trouble Shooting
If gas booster is not delivering rated pressure, but motor is
not overloaded, check the following:
1. Correct and reversed rotation will produce two different
delivery pressures, the higher pressure indicating correct
2. Interior parts clogged with dirt.
3. Piping too small and causing high frictional loss (only
applies where pressure is checked at end of piping).
4. Lower specific gravity of gas than shown on nameplate.
5. High inlet gas temperature.
If gas booster is not delivering rated pressure and/or motor
is overloaded, check the following:
1. Wrong voltage connections.
2. Unit handling more than rated volume because of:
a. Leaks in piping.
b. Orifices too large.
c. Too many orifices.
3. Higher specific gravity than on nameplate.
4. Intake gas temperature too low.
When ordering service be sure to mention serial number
as shown on machine nameplate.
When ordering replacement impellers and deflector heads
be sure to specify by letter also.
End Head
Division Head