Spencer UL Listed (GL Series) Hermetic Natural Gas Boosters User Manual
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Form LL6, Copyright © 2001 The Spencer Turbine Company
Caution: It is very important that the direction of rotation of
the gas booster be the same as that indicated by the arrow
plate. Correction rotation will result in rated discharge
pressure. Incorrect rotation will result in less than rated
discharge pressure.
To check rotation, turn off the gas, unthread the plug on the 1"
NPT half-coupling and verify that the rotation of the motor shaft
is the same as what is shown on the Rotation Arrow Plate. Be
sure to reseal the plug with UL Listed thread sealant, and leak
check prior to putting into operation.
For additional information see Form AA.
Customers must not disassemble UL Listed Hermetic Gas
Boosters. In case of difficulty contact Spencer.
Trouble Shooting
If gas booster is not delivering rated pressure, but motor is
not overloaded, check the following:
1. Correct and reversed rotation will produce two different
delivery pressures, the higher pressure indicating correct
2. Interior parts clogged with dirt.
3. Piping too small and causing high frictional loss (only applies
where pressure is checked at end of piping).
4. Lower specific gravity of gas than shown on nameplate.
5. High inlet gas temperature.
If gas booster is not delivering rated pressure and/or motor
is overloaded, check the following:
1. Wrong voltage connections.
2. Unit handling more than rated volume because of:
a. Leaks in piping.
b. Orifices too large.
c. Too many orifices.
3. Higher specific gravity than on nameplate.
4. Intake gas temperature too low.
For additional Trouble Shooting Information see Form AA.
When ordering service be sure to mention serial number as
shown on machine nameplate.
Available Discharge Positions
Outlet position 1 furnished unless specified otherwise. Radial
inlet furnished unless specified otherwise. Outlet positions
are as viewed from end opposite motor
The Turbine Company, 600 Day Hill Road, Windsor, CT 06095-4706
Since 1892 moving air and gas for a cleaner environment
TEL 800-232-4321
FAX 860-688-0098