Installation – Extron Electronics CD 100 User Manual
Page 5

© 2000 - INLINE, Inc. CD100 / CD110 Court Director™ System Operation Manual - V. 1.0 11/30/2000
This section offers step-by-step instructions for installing the Court Director System. An
Application Diagram is provided on page 6.
Note: Read the instructions carefully before initiating the installation procedure. Before you
begin, make sure that there is no power connected to the system, and that all the power
buttons are off.
The VGA input / output connectors on the rear of the CD100 are all
labeled. It is imperative that all input and output devices be connected
appropriately to the correct input and output connectors to ensure
proper system operation.
1.) Place / Install the CD100 Court Director - at the desired location. Make sure that the
unit is seated on a flat surface or is securely installed in a standard 19” equipment rack
using the IN9123B rack ears (included). The CD100 is exactly 1U high without the feet.
If other equipment will be located in the space directly below the unit, the rubber feet on
the bottom of the CD100 must be removed before mounting it in the equipment rack.
2.) Place the CD110 Court Director Status Display - on the judge’s bench / desired
location. Using an IN9139 Series cable (available in lengths from 25' to 75'), connect the
Judge Override Input Port on the CD100 to the RS-232 port on the left side of the CD110.
Note: The CD110 receives power directly from the CD100 Court Director via the IN9139
Series cable.
3.) Situate All Monitors / Display Devices - throughout the courtroom and connect them to the
CD100 outputs. The Court Director features six 15-pin HD female output connectors, all of
which are clearly labeled (witness, gallery, jury, etc.). All display devices must be
connected accordingly. Unused outputs do not need to be terminated.
Cable selection is critical to overall system performance, especially
when dealing with very high scan rates and / or long cable runs. High-
resolution VGA extension cables such as the IN8000 Series are
recommended for all input and output connections.