YSI 9500 Photometer User Manual

Page 12

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Sample Number


Enter or confirm the sample number (up to 10 digits), then press [OK].

4 If the dilution factor option is pre-selected, then the following display will

appear :-

x 1

Dilution Factor



[OK] to accept the default value (x1, no dilution), or key in new

dilution factor then press [OK].

5 The following display will now appear :-

Chlorine-Free / 5

Phot 007

Insert Blank

Choose a Test


Place a BLANK TUBE in the test chamber, then press [OK].

If the instrument is in continuous use mode, it is advisable to re-blank from
time to time.

NOTE: The instrument is designed to hold the blank setting as long as the instrument is switched

on. This stage will be omitted when further tests are being carried out. However, when changing
to a test which requires a colored or reagent blank, or uses a tube of a different diameter, the
‘Insert Blank’ prompt will be displayed.

6 The instrument will be set automatically, and after a few seconds the

following display will appear :-