Xylem System 5000 BASIC Manual User Manual
Page 5

Basic Features and Fundamentals
The System 5000™ Data Collection Platform contains a built-in BASIC interpreter (as of
firmware version 1.2.0) allowing for more complex operations on the data logger. Many
traditional BASIC commands and features have been combined with a new subset of operations
to create the Basic 5000 language. Basic 5000 is thus able to provide a familiar BASIC base
while also providing direct access to the hardware and operations of the System 5000™.
Basic Features
• Support for traditional BASIC constructs such as goto, gosub, and line numbers
• Both number and string variables, including single and multi-dimensional arrays
• Built-in string and variable processing functions
• Easy access to COM/Serial Ports using simple PRINT and INPUT commands
• Easy access to Log Files using simple PRINT and INPUT commands
• Structured programming commands including SWITCH-CASE statements, single
and multi-line IF-THEN statements and FOR, WHILE, REPEAT, and DO loops
• User-created subroutine/function support
• Ability to use a Basic program as either an Input or an Output for any Task
• Ability to execute a program in response to Network or Serial communication
• Ability to perform complex math operations using built in trigonometric and
logarithmic functions
• Ability to use a Basic program’s returned values within Outputs (Log File, GOES, etc)
• Ability to run a program in response to incoming RS-232 serial communication
• No file size limit on Basic programs
• No limit on number of Basic programs on the system
• Easily transportable, programs appear as individual files in the Data File Manager
• Ability to perform new measurements of any hardware on Inputs (Analog,
Digital, etc) as well as Outputs (4-20mA, Digital, etc)
• Ability to retrieve current and previously measured values of any Task
• Access to system variables including current date and time and all subsets
• Ability to perform complex math operations using built in trigonometric and
logarithmic functions
• Simple program customization via the touch screen interface
Understanding the available functions and commands as well as the overall operations and flow
of Basic 5000 is essential to its proper use within the System 5000™. Primary Basic 5000
concepts and examples are provided below, followed by a listing of all available commands and
functions. Each command is given a description and an example of its use.
Basic Fundamentals